Tuesday, November 9, 2010

papers and flo0d!

im kinda in da m00d 0p a bit relaxing rite n0w..
after alL the hardw0rk,i guess i deserve it,haha..
alL the papers is d0ne..
n0w is the time f0r final pr0ject pr0p0sal..
g0nna think b0ut it later..
jitra was fully rec0vered fr0m a big flo0d..
al0r setar,p0k0k sena,jitra,padang terap was hits by the fl0ods..
3 0r 4 pe0ple died in the flo0d if im n0t mistaken,huhu..
thank GOD my rented h0use and my h0use at al0r setar was n0t affected by that flo0d..

Jitra territ0ry - Tasik

well, see ya later!

havin' fun playing games rite n0w,hihi ;)

-Shah Sahaja-