0ready december n0w huh?
means that pesta penang sungai nibong 0ready started..yeay!!haha
mirul invite me there n im gladly accept that invitation as i kn0w he will bring 0ut the cash,n0t me,haha..
we went there with tika n bah..at sungai 2 t0l,suddenly..
tika frens n bah bf said they want 2 f0ll0w us..we then separate in 3 cars,haha..
things in the pesta kinda b0ring 4 me..huhu..nthing interest me at all..since we r n0t playing anything..n i rarely talking..it was a quiet situation u kn0w?huhu..
0ur 1st plan was having fun at penang then drive to baling to kolam air panas..but then it had 2 be knsel,huhu..
then i had a fight with mirul n it really annoyed me..
next m0nink,mirul to0k us 2 gunung jerai..it was peaceful..
n alth0ugh the trip was n0t as fun as i ecpexted,but then..i enjoy it ;)
-Shah Sahaja-
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
papers and flo0d!
im kinda in da m00d 0p a bit relaxing rite n0w..
after alL the hardw0rk,i guess i deserve it,haha..
alL the papers is d0ne..
n0w is the time f0r final pr0ject pr0p0sal..
g0nna think b0ut it later..
jitra was fully rec0vered fr0m a big flo0d..
al0r setar,p0k0k sena,jitra,padang terap was hits by the fl0ods..
3 0r 4 pe0ple died in the flo0d if im n0t mistaken,huhu..
thank GOD my rented h0use and my h0use at al0r setar was n0t affected by that flo0d..
well, see ya later!
havin' fun playing games rite n0w,hihi ;)
-Shah Sahaja-
after alL the hardw0rk,i guess i deserve it,haha..
alL the papers is d0ne..
n0w is the time f0r final pr0ject pr0p0sal..
g0nna think b0ut it later..
jitra was fully rec0vered fr0m a big flo0d..
al0r setar,p0k0k sena,jitra,padang terap was hits by the fl0ods..
3 0r 4 pe0ple died in the flo0d if im n0t mistaken,huhu..
thank GOD my rented h0use and my h0use at al0r setar was n0t affected by that flo0d..
![]() |
Jitra territ0ry - Tasik |
well, see ya later!
havin' fun playing games rite n0w,hihi ;)
-Shah Sahaja-
Monday, October 25, 2010
0ne evening at maple yasmeen ;)
hahahahaha..this is fun!
after class at p0li,we went straight t0 Yasmeen..
wi-fi to get sum things d0ne quickly..
when we heading 0ut back..there it g0es..
a stupid van was bl0cking 0ur car..i mean..HELL YEAH!we cant get 0ut..
thinking 0p nuthin' my frenz n i take a step t0 the van..
the wind0w was n0t cl0se,the do0r was n0t l0cked..
the idea came t0 my mind..
'Y d0nt we juz push the van?'
hahaha..n there we g0es..Tika,Bah n Me..pushing the van right under the sun..in a such a h0t weather..in the middle 0p da r0ad..wearing a nice baju kurung,hahaha..
alL da pe0ple and 'MAPLE' were lo0king and laughing at us,haha..
then we'll manage t0 get 0ut fr0m that place..n i p0mish myself that i will never g0 t0 that place again..
n da m0st absurd thing is Ummi was sayin 'wey,aku malu lah,huhu'..
n we was like 'WHAT???!'
hell0,we were da 0ne wh0 push that van s0 d0nt say anythin b0ut being embarass,haha..
m0st embarass day in my life~
-Shah Sahaja-
Friday, October 22, 2010
akj!n l0st 0p things..
yup!that was my p0inter in sem 3 which qualified me to get the Ketua Jabatan award,heee~
it was awes0me!i b0ught a new pair 0f baju kurung n tudung t0 be wear..
my h0usemate make up me 4 ab0ut half an h0ur but it d0es w0rth it c0z i lo0k fantastic! ;)
tenz a l0ts guys..i'll 0wesh l0p u u kn0w dat? ;)
a fren 0p mine,wawa..l0st her bike..LC..
it was st0len myb at 5 am,huhu...
p0or girl..she 0ready l0st a l0ts 0p things..
- cash w0rth RM500..
- her handph0ne which was given by her mum..
- an0ther cash w0rth RM150...
- n n0w,her bike,huhu..p0or thing..
this is kinda a reminder t0 alL 0p us t0 take a really gud care 0p 0ur things..
-Shah Sahaja-
yup!that was my p0inter in sem 3 which qualified me to get the Ketua Jabatan award,heee~
it was awes0me!i b0ught a new pair 0f baju kurung n tudung t0 be wear..
my h0usemate make up me 4 ab0ut half an h0ur but it d0es w0rth it c0z i lo0k fantastic! ;)
tenz a l0ts guys..i'll 0wesh l0p u u kn0w dat? ;)
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Left: Bah,Ain(purple),Tika,Dila,Me,Tirah,Mas,Zati,Ah,Dibah n yg behormat KJ ;) |
a fren 0p mine,wawa..l0st her bike..LC..
it was st0len myb at 5 am,huhu...
p0or girl..she 0ready l0st a l0ts 0p things..
- cash w0rth RM500..
- her handph0ne which was given by her mum..
- an0ther cash w0rth RM150...
- n n0w,her bike,huhu..p0or thing..
this is kinda a reminder t0 alL 0p us t0 take a really gud care 0p 0ur things..
-Shah Sahaja-
Monday, September 27, 2010
w0rk..w0rks..and still w0rks..
huhu..having l0ts 0f tense ar0und me rite n0w..
dad fly t0 china leaving mum al0ne at house s0 i gotta stay at h0use n g0 to jitra fr0m as..
really99 tiring but hey!thats my mum uke?
im willing t0 die 4 her ;)
g0t 1 mini pr0ject that must be d0ne and submitted by t0m0rr0w..and yet!
0nly 50% is d0ne..huhu
must be crazy t0 bl0gging while my w0rk is waiting f0r me,huhu..
crazy 4 da wh0le day..
-Shah Sahaja-
Friday, September 17, 2010
after 0ne m0ths 0f fasting,Eid is c0ming..
Raya this times really means sumthing t0 me..
After all 0f us being separated 4 da fact 0f studying ab0ut 6 m0nths,all 0f us can n0w gather in the h0use..
Eating,laughing n having fun t0gether..
Starting fr0m first raya,i've been 0ut 0f da h0use..in n 0ut..in n 0ut..like my h0use was a h0tel,haha..
I g0t h0me late..at nite..ar0und 8.30 p.m maybe..n i've been g0in 0ut fr0m 12.00 a.m maybe?haha..
Till 1 final day,my m0m was s0 angry at me f0r being 0ut 0f da h0use all da time that she said :
"Kakchik!kamu dah xleyh kuaq pasni..kamu igt minyak keta b0h ng ayaq ka?mulai es0k,jgn kuaq n finish ur asignment.."
It was like a sentence t0 death 4 me,huhu..
N here i am..sitting in fr0nt 0n c0mp,finishing my assignment n d0ing lil' bl0gging,huhu..
My Happy Family ;) |
Left : Ekin,Wanie,Deeb,Me N Sawie ;) |
I really had fun with u guyz..luv y'all s0 much!
-Shah Sahaja-
Monday, September 6, 2010
as eid is c0ming near,it's sh0pping time then!
well,m0m give us s0me s0rt 0f m0ney t0 spend..
da three 0f us g0t 0ur 0wn m0ney n its fun!hihi ;)
this nite,we wnt t0 as mall..i was thinking t0 buy a new sh0es,c0uples of shirts and a new hijab..4 raya 0f c0urse
we walk n walk n walk until i was s0 tired n there is n0thing dat make me feel interested in n w0rth 2 buy 4..
0uh yes,i d0 like this 0ne shirt but i was thinking..
'better i survey 0r check 0ut 0thers st0re first s0 dat i w0nt regret it..'
when i d0nt find anything,i went back t0 the st0re..
damn!it was cl0sed already,haha..s0key..i'll buy it next time..
but i really had fun with my sisters..l0ts! ;)
my sister n i |
my sister n my lil sister ;) |
-Shah Sahaja-
Thursday, September 2, 2010
r0ads t0 taiping,perak..
yeah..my class was cancel at 2.00 pm s0 i th0ught t0 pay a visit 2 my fren at taiping..
all al0ne,i dr0ve fr0m jitra t0 there..it was very tiring..(in the m00d 0f fasting 0f c0urse,haha..)
i had s0 much fun there..l0ve t0 see her smile.. ;)
we watch a m0vie a taiping sentral..'The Descendant Part 2' is the tittle..h0rr0r m0vie,huhu..
then we take a walk ar0und taiping n then back t0 her h0stel t0 pick up her frenss..
at the seat back 0f my car,there were 4 ppl..haha..n its 0nly KANCIL..can u imagine that?haha
but it was fun to0o~
then we hang 0ut at a beautiful place called 'Taman Tasek'..it was really c00l n the place was juz like heaven!
0ur next pit st0p is a restaurant where we break 0ur fast together..
thank 2 PC,DIA,ATIN,MIRA and also NAD 4 giving me such a nice,sweet n mem0rable mem0ry.. ;)
h0pe we'll spend s0me time again..
-Shah Sahaja-
yeah..my class was cancel at 2.00 pm s0 i th0ught t0 pay a visit 2 my fren at taiping..
all al0ne,i dr0ve fr0m jitra t0 there..it was very tiring..(in the m00d 0f fasting 0f c0urse,haha..)
i had s0 much fun there..l0ve t0 see her smile.. ;)
we watch a m0vie a taiping sentral..'The Descendant Part 2' is the tittle..h0rr0r m0vie,huhu..
then we take a walk ar0und taiping n then back t0 her h0stel t0 pick up her frenss..
at the seat back 0f my car,there were 4 ppl..haha..n its 0nly KANCIL..can u imagine that?haha
but it was fun to0o~
then we hang 0ut at a beautiful place called 'Taman Tasek'..it was really c00l n the place was juz like heaven!
0ur next pit st0p is a restaurant where we break 0ur fast together..
thank 2 PC,DIA,ATIN,MIRA and also NAD 4 giving me such a nice,sweet n mem0rable mem0ry.. ;)
h0pe we'll spend s0me time again..
-Shah Sahaja-
Monday, August 30, 2010
0n r0ad..
my family n i was 0n r0ad..fr0m kedah t0 kelantan then back t0 kedah..
it was really tiring..huhu..0n my way back t0 kedah,i dr0ve all day long..
it was fun actually,i can get s0me experience..
break fast n0w when m0re merrier that my 0ld sista is back t0 home ;)28/08/2010..
ummi kals0m hassan burfday..i b0ught her a p00h teddy bear specially fr0m kelantan..she like it..thank G0d..
t0day,she's g0nna treat us break fast at ED Cafe..
really cant wait t0 g0 there..
life rite n0w been kinda great..but 0f c0urse,s0mething will always c0me up..but that d0esnt matter..
as l0ng as i have my frens beside me..
thanks God for blessing me with a preci0us frens.. ;)
-Shah Sahaja-
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Breaking Fast
Left al0ne with De'ah at 0ur rented h0use..
all my frens went back h0me..well,its fasting m0nth..wh0 w0uldnt want t0 g0 back h0me aite?
i w0uld l0ve t0 g0 h0me t0!especially when all 0f my frenz back h0me t0wn..
then i g0t a ph0ne call..it was my dad sayin that :
"abah dgn mak nk g Keyel kameh neyh..kamu xpyh ik0t lah sebab kamu ada kelas kn?abah ada hal nk jmpa adik neyh..."
so0o sad!huhu..
there's n0 p0int in getting back h0me as there w0uld be n0 0ne there..at 0ur rent h0use,all my frenz were back h0me..huhu..
luckily,i g0t De'ah t0 keep me acc0mpany..she's a Langkawi ppl,rarely c0me h0me,huhu..at break fast time,it was s0 quiet..n0 s0und as we was n0t talkin t0 each 0ther,huhu..
my saddest time in break fast ;(
-Shah Sahaja-
all my frens went back h0me..well,its fasting m0nth..wh0 w0uldnt want t0 g0 back h0me aite?
i w0uld l0ve t0 g0 h0me t0!especially when all 0f my frenz back h0me t0wn..
then i g0t a ph0ne call..it was my dad sayin that :
"abah dgn mak nk g Keyel kameh neyh..kamu xpyh ik0t lah sebab kamu ada kelas kn?abah ada hal nk jmpa adik neyh..."
so0o sad!huhu..
there's n0 p0int in getting back h0me as there w0uld be n0 0ne there..at 0ur rent h0use,all my frenz were back h0me..huhu..
luckily,i g0t De'ah t0 keep me acc0mpany..she's a Langkawi ppl,rarely c0me h0me,huhu..at break fast time,it was s0 quiet..n0 s0und as we was n0t talkin t0 each 0ther,huhu..
my saddest time in break fast ;(
-Shah Sahaja-
Saturday, August 14, 2010
0uh c0mputer!
music is part 0f my life n i l0ve it!
when my c0mputer d0es n0t make any s0und..its kinda b0ring t0 stare at the c0mp,l00king at the screen with0ut any audi0..
then i b0ught a new speaker thinking that the 0ld speaker was br0ke d0wn..
it was small,stylish (black in c0l0ur),thin n very p0rtable..dats nice ;)
then i plug in the new speaker..what??!still n0 s0und?0nly then i figure it 0ut,myb its the CPU fault..
then i send it t0 a c0mp st0re..t0 fixed it up..n u kn0w what the technician said?
'eh..k0mputer ni 0k jek..adik salah cucuk lubang neyh..'
uish,xtensi0n p0wn..dat CPU was heavy!huhu..back at h0me,my brutha ask me whats wr0ng with the c0mp..n when i t0ld him the pr0b that i was mistaken plug in..he laughed at me n said 'h0w can u call urself IT student?' stupid brutha,haha..
luckily,the speaker i b0ught was n0t s0 expensive..huhu..
-Shah Sahaja-
Friday, August 13, 2010
Fasting time..... ;)
0uh..it's already fasting m0nth n0w n im really excited b0ut it..
i g0t 4 days 0ff fr0m p0li n straight away went back t0 my small happy h0me..
my first day 0f fasting begins with sahur at 5.30 am..OMG..i was s0 sleep that i d0nt want t0 wake up..
then i taught 'if d0nt wake up,means i d0nt eat..n if i d0nt eat,im g0nna b hungry all day,huhu'..
thinking 0f dat,i w0ke up n ate..
at Maghrib time..time t0 break da fasting..yeay!!!i was happy 4 i was being able t0 eat..
but sumthing distract me..
i was feeling kinda l0nely n empty..huhu..i l00k ar0und n i realised..whats left was 0nly me.mum n dad..
all my siblings were 0ut there..w0rking n studying..
0lder brutha : Penang w0rking in a fact0ry as a technician
0lder sista : K0ta Bharu,Kelantan stduying in Maktab Perguruan
Lil sista : Shah Alam studying in UITM Puncak Perdana
be back s00n guyz!i really miss y'all..s0meh0w..0ur happy little h0me feel a bit different with0ut u..
-Shah Sahaja-
Thursday, August 12, 2010
ahah!finally i create a bl0g 0n my 0wn,hee~
The name is Nor Shahidah bt Mokhtar @ Mohtar.
I've been called by the name Shidah, Shah, Tom, Baby and Comel. *bukan nak show off okay? Haha
So yes, call me by any name you want.
This blog was established long time ago, around 3 - 4 years if I am not mistaken. The purpose of creating the blog at that time was just to have some fun, making it an online diary.
But now, I'm a change man.
Insya Allah, from now on, this blog will be use for the purpose of da'wah.
And most of my writing will be in English as I want to improve my English. Most, not all of it. There are times when writing in our own mother tongue is still the best way :)
I hope I can be committed in writing in this blog as the same way I've been writing in my Facebook.
I've been called by the name Shidah, Shah, Tom, Baby and Comel. *bukan nak show off okay? Haha
So yes, call me by any name you want.
This blog was established long time ago, around 3 - 4 years if I am not mistaken. The purpose of creating the blog at that time was just to have some fun, making it an online diary.
But now, I'm a change man.
Insya Allah, from now on, this blog will be use for the purpose of da'wah.
And most of my writing will be in English as I want to improve my English. Most, not all of it. There are times when writing in our own mother tongue is still the best way :)
I hope I can be committed in writing in this blog as the same way I've been writing in my Facebook.
i guess dats all 4 n0w..
-Shah Sahaja-
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