Monday, August 30, 2010

0n r0ad..

my family n i was 0n r0ad..fr0m kedah t0 kelantan then back t0 kedah..

it was really tiring..huhu..0n my way back t0 kedah,i dr0ve all day long..
it was fun actually,i can get s0me experience..
break fast n0w when m0re merrier that my 0ld sista is back t0 home ;)

ummi kals0m hassan burfday..i b0ught her a p00h teddy bear specially fr0m kelantan..she like it..thank G0d..
t0day,she's g0nna treat us break fast at ED Cafe..
really cant wait t0 g0 there..

life rite n0w been kinda great..but 0f c0urse,s0mething will always c0me up..but that d0esnt matter..
as l0ng as i have my frens beside me..
thanks God for blessing me with a preci0us frens..   ;)

-Shah Sahaja-

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Breaking Fast

Left al0ne with De'ah at 0ur rented h0use..

all my frens went back h0me..well,its fasting m0nth..wh0 w0uldnt want t0 g0 back h0me aite?
i w0uld l0ve t0 g0 h0me t0!especially when all 0f my frenz back h0me t0wn..
then i g0t a ph0ne was my dad sayin that :

"abah dgn mak nk g Keyel kameh neyh..kamu xpyh ik0t lah sebab kamu ada kelas kn?abah ada hal nk jmpa adik neyh..."

so0o sad!huhu..
there's n0 p0int in getting back h0me as there w0uld be n0 0ne 0ur rent h0use,all my frenz were back h0me..huhu..
luckily,i g0t De'ah t0 keep me acc0mpany..she's a Langkawi ppl,rarely c0me h0me, break fast time,it was s0 quiet..n0 s0und as we was n0t talkin t0 each 0ther,huhu..

my saddest time in break fast ;(

-Shah Sahaja-

Saturday, August 14, 2010

0uh c0mputer!

music is part 0f my life n i l0ve it!

when my c0mputer d0es n0t make any s0und..its kinda b0ring t0 stare at the c0mp,l00king at the screen with0ut any audi0..
then i b0ught a new speaker thinking that the 0ld speaker was br0ke d0wn..
it was small,stylish (black in c0l0ur),thin n very p0rtable..dats nice ;)
then i plug in the new speaker..what??!still n0 s0und?0nly then i figure it 0ut,myb its the CPU fault..
then i send it t0 a c0mp st0re..t0 fixed it up..n u kn0w what the technician said?

'eh..k0mputer ni 0k jek..adik salah cucuk lubang neyh..'

uish,xtensi0n p0wn..dat CPU was heavy!huhu..back at h0me,my brutha ask me whats wr0ng with the c0mp..n when i t0ld him the pr0b that i was mistaken plug in..he laughed at me n said 'h0w can u call urself IT student?' stupid brutha,haha..
luckily,the speaker i b0ught was n0t s0 expensive..huhu..

rite n0w,im enj0ying the music Baby by Justin Bieber

-Shah Sahaja-

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fasting time..... ;)'s already fasting m0nth n0w n im really excited b0ut it..

i g0t 4 days 0ff fr0m p0li n straight away went back t0 my small happy h0me.. 
my first day 0f fasting begins with sahur at 5.30 am..OMG..i was s0 sleep that i d0nt want t0 wake up..
then i taught 'if d0nt wake up,means i d0nt eat..n if i d0nt eat,im g0nna b hungry all day,huhu'..
thinking 0f dat,i w0ke up n ate..
at Maghrib time..time t0 break da fasting..yeay!!!i was happy 4 i was being able t0 eat..
but sumthing distract me..
i was feeling kinda l0nely n empty..huhu..i l00k ar0und n i realised..whats left was 0nly me.mum n dad..
all my siblings were 0ut there..w0rking n studying..

0lder brutha : Penang w0rking in a fact0ry as a technician
0lder sista : K0ta Bharu,Kelantan stduying in Maktab Perguruan
Lil sista : Shah Alam studying in UITM Puncak Perdana

be back s00n guyz!i really miss y'all..s0meh0w..0ur happy little h0me feel a bit different with0ut u..

-Shah Sahaja-

Thursday, August 12, 2010


ahah!finally i create a bl0g 0n my 0wn,hee~

The name is Nor Shahidah bt Mokhtar @ Mohtar.

I've been called by the name Shidah, Shah, Tom, Baby and Comel. *bukan nak show off okay? Haha
So yes, call me by any name you want. 

This blog was established long time ago, around 3 - 4 years if I am not mistaken. The purpose of creating the blog at that time was just to have some fun, making it an online diary.

But now, I'm a change man

Insya Allah, from now on, this blog will be use for the purpose of da'wah. 
And most of my writing will be in English as I want to improve my English. Most, not all of it. There are times when writing in our own mother tongue  is still the best way  :)

I hope I can be committed in writing in this blog as the same way I've been writing in my Facebook. 

i guess dats all 4 n0w..

-Shah Sahaja-