my family n i was 0n r0ad..fr0m kedah t0 kelantan then back t0 kedah..
it was really tiring..huhu..0n my way back t0 kedah,i dr0ve all day long..
it was fun actually,i can get s0me experience..
break fast n0w when m0re merrier that my 0ld sista is back t0 home ;)28/08/2010..
ummi kals0m hassan burfday..i b0ught her a p00h teddy bear specially fr0m kelantan..she like it..thank G0d..
t0day,she's g0nna treat us break fast at ED Cafe..
really cant wait t0 g0 there..
life rite n0w been kinda great..but 0f c0urse,s0mething will always c0me up..but that d0esnt matter..
as l0ng as i have my frens beside me..
thanks God for blessing me with a preci0us frens.. ;)
-Shah Sahaja-