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Be sincere and have a manner in spreading da'wah. |
Alhmdulillah, nowadays, there are many commoner and even artists decided to change for the better. From wearing mini skirts, they decided to wear long, thick skirts. From weearing tight shirt, they choose to wear loose and long shirt. From not wearing hijab, they choose to wear hijab.
Along with the changes, many people want to spread da'wah to their friends. Now, here is the problem. There are many ways in spreading da'wah. And sometimes, while you are spreading da'wah, you hurt your friend heart. It could be by accident, not realizing and not knowing, you are mocking and lowering the poeple who doesn't cover their aurah.
For example, lets say I post this in my Facebook wall :
'Feeling like going clubbing today.'
Now, a bad friend would suggest the best club their know.
A friend will start their da'wah action. Typing a long advice, inserting some hadith they found in the Google, mocking me, lowering my dignity, threatening me with the Hellfire and stuff in the comment area. Which mean it will be public. People who are friend with me can read all the stuff they said. And it's possible, people start to make accusations, think of me in a bad way and stuff.
A good friend will come directly to me using texting. Or perhaps call me, inbox my Facebook. This way, it will be private. We can debate about stuff, voice our opinion freely without the risk of being embarass that people will read our conversations.
And of course, a true friend will know I am joking, haha.
There is so many way in spreading da'wah and preaching. But fot a better effect, why don't we use the soft way? Keep in touch with them, advise them in private. Try our best not to hurt their feeling. Cause we don't know what they have been through. And there is a chance, they don't know almost anything about Islam. We are not in their shoes.
By hurting their heart and judging them from our eyes, perhaps, we also made a sins. And there is nothing good we can make by hurting them. Who knows, our actions might make their heart hardened to accept Islam as the way of life. Wallahu'alam.
So people, be nice. And spread da'wah with a smile! :)
"Barang siap yang menunjuk kepada kebaikan, maka dia mendapatkan pahala seperti pahala orang yang mengerjakannya."
-HR Muslim, no 1893-
-Shah Sahaja-
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