Our topic today will be English. *That's why I chose to write this in English. Since lower school to high school, up to until we enrol in university, most people think that English is difficult. Wonder why is that..
When I am in my Diploma, few of my friends asked me to teach them English. Honestly, I was a bit shocked to receive that offer. I mean like, I am no one. We have English teacher in our class, so why asked me? Their answers was that, they were shy and afraid of the teacher. By afraid I mean afraid to ask questions.
Then they asked me, 'How come you are so good in English?'
My answer would be 'My dad. He teaches us English from we were little. During weekend, he used to bring us sibling to the library. He will pick English book for us. Then he will left us at the library, come during lunch hour and bring us out to eat. Then he will ask what book did we read. What are the things that we don't understand. Not only that, he will make sure that each of us will borrow a book. It must be English but we can also choose few Malay books. We have our own little dictionary where we wrote words that we don;t understand. Then we'll search for the meaning in the dictionary and write it down in the dictionary. Every single day, my dad would check for the book. His condition was that, at minimum 10 words must be in the dictionary per day.'
That's how I can be good in English. It was all because of my old man. :)
Yes, speaking English would be hard. Not to mention writing. If you are not good in writing, just make sure that at least, you can speak. Listen to English songs, watch English movie day and night. Practice by talking with your friends. If not, your siblings would be okay. Because friends sometimes, can be a jerk where they make fun of you when you talk English. Believe me, I know that feeling.
I used to speak English with my family members. If any of us pronounce things incorrectly, we will correct it. That's all. No need to be shy or shame of. At least, you are trying to improve yourself rather than people who did nothing right?
When people from other countries such as America, Korea, Japan speak Malay word, we were amazed and shocked. But then when we can speak a little bit of English, why should we feel shame? Okay for example, I have international friends here in UIA. One day, we are discussing things and it was a bit late. Suddenly she said, 'Jom makan!'. I was like 'Hey, you can speak Malay?' *with amazed face. She said 'Sikit-sikit'. Haha.
See the difference? Be proud when you speak English even when the grammar is wrong. What important is that you need to boost up your confidence first to speak in English. It's an improvement! Be proud of yourself! After that,it will all be okay. Insya Allah
Speak English or you will not be heard! :)
Prophet sallallaahu alaihi Wasallam said:
"Demanding knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim."
(Authentic hadith, narrated from some friends including: Anas bin Malik, Ibn Abbas, Ibn Umar, 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, and Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri radhiallahu anhum. See: Sahih al-jami: 3913)
-Shah Sahaja-
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