Saturday, June 29, 2013

Kedahan Banmal Language


Kisahnya bermula bila seorang budak yang berpangkat adik ni text aku. 
Dia tulis 'Apa khabar? Hang sehat?' 
Ya, aku faham dia mahu bertanya khabar. Dan aku mengerti bila dia guna perkataan hang tuh. It might add some sense of humor or the feel of in a close relationship with me. To tell the truth, it's actually not.

The word 'Hang' and 'Aku' is actually a banmal language of Kedah. But, since the word 'Aku' is widely and commonly used in daily life, people eventually get over it. Whereas the word 'Hang' is not.

Those words usually used among friend. And by 'friend', I mean close friend. You is considered as rude if you know someone for couples of days then you start using the word 'Hang'. Especially if you are not originally Kedahan.

I myself use few different terms with my friends. There are few people I use the word 'Hang' and few of my friends are called by their name. It shows politeness. And what really important is that, even if you have a one year gap of age with other older person, you surely don't call them by 'Hang'. It is unacceptable and rude.

I myself never called any of my friends who are older than me by the word 'Hang'. I called them by their name. It shows my respect towards them even we have only one year gap in age. Yes, this post is to let you know what is right and what is not when speaking Kedah.

Learn something from this post and next time, try to think before you talk. Your word can hurt someone heart. 

*banmal is informal. Info taken from Running Man, hehe. :P

#this is only from my point of view. 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Taubat. Sempatkah Kita?


Log in sahaja ke Facebook, aku dilanda kejutan. Membaca perkhabaran pelajar Malaysia meninggal dalam kemalangan jalan raya di Jordan. Ya Allah, sebak hati tiada terkira.

Arwah Sumaiyah Romli, merupakan sahabat pada adik aku. Dan setiap sahabat adik aku bagaikan adik aku sendiri. Berita menyatakan mereka maut apabila kenderaaan yang mereka naiki terbabas dan terjunam ke dalam gaung ketika dalam perjalanan ke Aqabah.

Cukup setakat itu cerita aku. Untuk lebih terpeinci, mungkin boleh Google sendiri. Arwah Sumaiyah seorang yang hebat, Lihat saja pada kursus arwah, astro fizik. Dia serba bagus. Baik budi bicara, tinggi ilmu dunia dan tak pernah lelah dalam mencari ilmu akhirat. Walau aku jumpa dia baru beberapa kali, tapi rasa seolah dah lama berkenalan. Peramah orangnya.

Kematian dia hadir dalam keadaan yang tak dapat dijangka. Bila mana percutian yang dirancang sepatutnya membawa bahagia, ia memberi perkhabaran duka. Menurut berita lagi, arwah masih hidup ketika sampai di hospital dan sempat mengucap kalimah syahadah sebelum menghembuskan nafas terakhir. *sebak

Alhamdulillah, arwah pergi menghadap pencipta-Nya dalam keadaan yang tenang dan aman. Itu dia. Kita bagaimana? Apa kita punya masa untuk mengucap kalimah syahadah bila ajal kita sudah sampai? 

Orang selalu takut bila naik kereta dengan aku kerana pemanduan aku yang laju. Dan aku dengan bangga akan berkata 'Laa, rilek laa. Have trust in me.' Siapa aku untuk menjamin bahawa nyawa aku dan nyawa mereka yang menaiki kereta dengan aku akan selamat? Angkuhnya aku hingga berkata begitu sedangkan aku lupa bahawa sekali Allah berkata 'Kun fayakun' maka jadilah ia.

Arwah masih muda, baru berusia 21 tahun. Kita selalu punya tanggapan 
'Nanti laa aku solat' 
'Dah kahwin annti aku pakai tudung'
'Rilek, aku muda lagi. Dah tua nanti aku taubat laa'

Aku berusia 23 tahun pada 2013. Dan arwah Sumaiyah berusia 21 tahun ketika meninggal. Apa yang menjanjikan kita esok bukan ajal kita? Siapa kita untuk berkata bahawa kita masih punya masa? Dan kalau esok adalah hari kita pergi menghadap Illahi, cukupkah amalan kita?

Hati aku gentar. Mari kita muhasabah diri kita sendiri.

Semoga Allah merahmati arwah Sumaiyah, menempatkan arwah di Jannah, di kalangan orang yang beriman. Kita akan kembali berkumpul suatu hari nanti, dan semoga di Jannah kita berjumpa, insya Allah. Allahummaghfirlahum.

Sedikit petikan kata dari sahabat arwah Sumaiyah yang diambil dari Facebook


"Just started watching Omar the Series and was eagerly waiting for this episode — where Sumayyah's killed, a spear driven through her private part.

Thus, becoming the first martyr in Islam.

When I was a kid, I thought my name was uniquely weird. I knew how my parents came about naming me 'Sumaiyah', who was the real 'Sumaiyah' behind the name but, no, I still thought it's weird. Back then, this name was considered quite rare tho and I even felt embarrassed with it, sometimes, really. However, as I grew older and learnt more about her, how her faith was just on "God is One, there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger" — nothing but that. And then the song Sumayyah by Hijjaz came out and the lyric is just so good (I cry listening to it sometimes):

Sumayyah kau dibunuh di dunia sementara
Untuk hidup di syurga yang selama-lamanya
Kau lah wanita terbaik, sebaik manusia
Namamu tetap menjadi sejarah

"O' family of Yasir! Be patient and remain steadfast, for undoubtedly Paradise is your abode." The prophet (peace be upon him) used to say this to Sumayyah and her family while they were being tortured.

I constantly ask myself, "Sumayyah was a great woman in Islam. ARE YOU? Are you, Sumaiyah, living up to the standard of your name? She chose Paradise and in Paradise she will be. How about you? Are you close enough to it?"

May Allah grant me strength, steadfastness and syahid like Sumayyah.
May Allah gather us all in His Jannah.

P/s: Wrote this post while listening to Hijjaz's Sumayyah. Can I be any cooler?" 

Ni status sahabat bertarikh 30 June lepas.
Namanya Sumaiyah Romli. 

Sahabat baik masa sekolah menengah.
Kali terakhir jumpa masa PUISI 2012 dan kemudian melawatnya di London masa winter tahun lepas.

Cita-citanya dalam bidang Astronomer.
Cita-citanya mahu jadi seperti Sumaiyah, yang syahid kerana mengesakan Allah.

Hari ini dapat berita dia meninggal dunia. 
Kemalangan masa jaulah di Jordan.

Tolong sedekahkan Al-Fatihah boleh? Semoga Allah letakkan arwah di kalangan mereka yang beriman. Semoga syurga untuk dia. 
Inna lillahi wainna ilaihi rajiun.

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Eternal.


Today I would talk about LOVE. 

So, past few days my dad been suffering from a stomach ache. And it was lucky that, my mom is currently on her work day off until her pension day. So my mom was able to take care of my dad.

And it is this time that I am able to see my parents love towards each other. At night when my dad stomach is hurting, he would called my mom over to massage him with some kind of oil. As I called it 'Minyak angin'. My mom will do that until my dad feels better.

First day of my mom's day off, she prepared a lunch and my dad come back home to eat. Before, when I was helping my mom cooking lunch, she planned carefully first what my dad can and can't eat as at that time, my dad was not getting better.

There was one night, dad woke up in the middle of night and sleep outside, on the living room. I was not asleep yet at that time. Next morning, mom asked me if dad is in pain last night since dad is sleeping outside. She was worried of him and feel guilty because she did not realized that my dad woke up and sleep outside.

There are times when all of my siblings gather together in the kitchen to help mom cooks, dad would come into the kitchen and said stuff like 'You gotta learn how to cook from now on. When you get married, you will be cooking to your husband, just like mom. You surely don't want your family eating at a stall everyday, it's not healthy. God knows what they done with the food, oil, frying pan ans stuff.'

I was touched. He encouraged us and at the same time, my dad is praising my mom in front of her children. Making mom as our role model. My dad was not the type to express his feelings, and this is the way he express it. That I can be sure of, cause I inherit my dad inability to express our feelings, haha.

Sometimes, we are so busy looking at the Korean, Hollywood drama and movies, that we went up looking for that type of love when we know it is haram. And we forget the eternal love that is so pure and halal that lies right in front of our eyes. Our parents love. :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Kitchen, Communication and Memory


Cooking is fun. It really is.

Semester break almost end. And it's breaks my heart to leave my parents, my family and my home. If you asked me which part of semester break that I like most, I would say there are 3 kinds.

 1 - Spending time in kitchen helping my mom cooking meals                                                                              2 - Spending time with my family. Especially with my big sis and my baby sis
 3 - Spending time with my friends.

For some people, dinner table is where their communication happen. It's that time when they are able to chat with their family, getting updates on whatever happen in their life and stuff. As for my family, I would say that most of our communication happen in the kitchen. Especially when cooking.

It is that time that my father would walk into the kitchen, asking what meals we'll be having tonight, advising us to learn how to cook from our mom, chatting, telling us about his work and his work jokes and stuff.

And my mom would teach us how to cook the meal she is preparing. She will scold us a lots and sometimes we made a joke about it. There are times when she crack jokes with us and we all laugh. Our kitchen feels so blessed.

So, our little kitchen has a TV as my mom love to watch TV while she cook. In the recent event, mom was following a Malay drama tittle 'Teduhan Kasih'. She was crazy over the drama. One day, when she turn on the TV, there is no signal. Since my mom don't know how to find the tuning of the TV, she asked for my help. I have been tuning the TC for almost 3 times but that particular channel which played the drama was nt found. 5 minutes had passed since the drama started. Mom was not in ease and cooking process became slow. I was freaking out cause I was so hungry, haha. Then I try again, this time with all hope and the recitation of Bismillah, I started the tuning process all over again. And this time, Alhamdulillah, it worked! Mom was happy and I was happy cause mom start to cook faster, haha. Well at least, after 5 minutes of trying to tune the TV, I was the apple of my mother's eyes. Hihi ^_^

In this technology era, we sometimes forget how to communicate in the real world. We forget that our old parents is not used to the technology, facebook, twitter and stuff. We begin to talk less. But still, in this era, I find that kitchen was a tool in helping me to communicate with my family member. And I love my kitchen.

#when I am back to UIA, the thing I gonna miss most is my kitchen and the memory we have in there.

-Shah Sahaja-

Father Day and The Adrenaline Rush


I love you daddy. So much 

This post was totally taken from my post in Facebook.
About my communication problem. About how nervous I was just to say Happy Father Day. 
And how I deal with those problems.

This was posted earlier last night when my big sis called my dad just to wish him Father Day. I was totally freaking out at that time. I mean like I was in the house with my old man the whole day yet I never said anything to him. I was kinda afraid that he'll be hurt by my ignorant act.

I have some communication problems. I don't really know how to express my feelings in face to people around me. Some of you might notice all the posts I've talked about how much I love my friend and stuff. That was easy cause posting it in FB is not as hard as saying it out loud in front of them.

Right at this moment, my big sis is having a phone conversation with my dad. She is wishing him Happy Father Day. I am quiet worry cause I haven't said anything yet to my Dad. And I am nervous thinking of a way how to wish my old man Happy Father Day. It's just that I don't know how.

#some may find it weird, but this is me. For me, saying things in reality in totally different than saying things in the virtual world.


Then the phone call ended. I was frozen in front of the PC. Except for my finger that just scroll the mouse, I was literally frozen, haha. That was how scared I am. All of sudden, my dad asked me to go with him to the 7-11. After I went back from the store, this was the post that I posted. 

So last night. Right after my dad end the conversation with my big sis, he asked me to go to 7-11 to buy him Eno Halia. We end up went together to the store. My dad gave me RM5 to bought that while he wait in the car.

After I bought the Eno, I went back to car, gave the Eno and RM5 to my dad. He was pussled. Then I said 'Cek pakai duit cek beli Eno ni. Murah je, tak pa.'

"Eh, mana boleh macam ni. Tak pa, abah bayaq balik."
'Tak pe abah, ni hadiah Father Day. Happy Father Day abah. Get well soon dad.'
"Ooo, okay. Terima kasih."

# mission accomplished! *bunyi OST James Bond, haha

And that, is how I say Happy Father's Day to my dad. My heart race at that time. I was blushing. Luckily, I was driving so I don't have to face my dad while saying it. This is how big my communication problem are, huhu.

Happy Father's Day abah. I will try my best to be a child you can be proud of in this world and in the HereAfter. :)