Saturday, June 29, 2013

Kedahan Banmal Language


Kisahnya bermula bila seorang budak yang berpangkat adik ni text aku. 
Dia tulis 'Apa khabar? Hang sehat?' 
Ya, aku faham dia mahu bertanya khabar. Dan aku mengerti bila dia guna perkataan hang tuh. It might add some sense of humor or the feel of in a close relationship with me. To tell the truth, it's actually not.

The word 'Hang' and 'Aku' is actually a banmal language of Kedah. But, since the word 'Aku' is widely and commonly used in daily life, people eventually get over it. Whereas the word 'Hang' is not.

Those words usually used among friend. And by 'friend', I mean close friend. You is considered as rude if you know someone for couples of days then you start using the word 'Hang'. Especially if you are not originally Kedahan.

I myself use few different terms with my friends. There are few people I use the word 'Hang' and few of my friends are called by their name. It shows politeness. And what really important is that, even if you have a one year gap of age with other older person, you surely don't call them by 'Hang'. It is unacceptable and rude.

I myself never called any of my friends who are older than me by the word 'Hang'. I called them by their name. It shows my respect towards them even we have only one year gap in age. Yes, this post is to let you know what is right and what is not when speaking Kedah.

Learn something from this post and next time, try to think before you talk. Your word can hurt someone heart. 

*banmal is informal. Info taken from Running Man, hehe. :P

#this is only from my point of view. 

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