Thursday, January 2, 2014

Dealing with problems


Few weeks ago, I had a problem. And no, I didn't want to mention about that. What I want to tell here is about how I deal with it.

I didn't tell any of my friends. Well, it was known to some friends by accidental and I told them to keep it close. I called my friend, cried over the phone while she listened with patient. Yet, I told her nothing. I was in a mourning mood for 2 days. Then came Allah's help.

A friend of mine text me, asking to borrow my laptop since I have the wi-fi connection and her laptop can't connect to the wi-fi. Being generous, I said yes. 
'Demam ke?' She asked me.
"Tak lah, tak dak mood aaa."
'Muka cam tak sihat je.'
"Kak Shida ada masalah aaa."
'Masalah apa?'

Right at the moment she asked what is my problem, I keep quiet. I was wondering should I tell her or not. I've tell no one, why would I tell her? And Bam! All of sudden, my mouth blurted out what was my problem is. She listened to it, smile and laugh. 

It was probably the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. Well, perhaps because it is my mood swing and her smile seems to lighten me up. Then she told me 'It will be just fine.'

Together, we walk back to my room. She was doing her work at my table, I was reading book while laying down the on the floor. I watch her doing her work. With that image in my eyes, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, there she was. Still doing her work. 
'Mimpi apa tadi? Tidur nyenyak gila.' 
*I smiled.

I've been sleeping for only an hour. But that one hour feels like I've been sleeping for a day. It was peaceful. A heavy rock feels have been lifted from my small heart. My mind seems to be clear and empty from any emotion. I feel fresh and new. Perhaps, it was because I have nothing left in my heart. After all, I've been spilling what bothers me for couple days to my friend.

We, human are imperfect. There are times when we will come across a dilemma, problems that we might feel shy to share it with our friend, we might stumbles, fall down hard and lots. But remember, when those time comes, seek for help. 

Friend might not be able to help us, but by telling them our problem, we are sharing the problem with them. Some of the heavy burden, will be gone, makes it bearable for us.

Talk to someone. And choose the person you want to talk to wisely.

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