Monday, October 21, 2013



It's been long.
Past few days, a friend of mine was telling me how upset she was with a friend of her.
As usual, with love and care, I advised her on what to do.
As for now, mari aku berkongsi satu cerita--
Cerita aku dan junior aku
Yang merupakan sahabat baik aku.

Ada satu hari, aku dan kawan kepada sahabat baik aku keluar bersama sebab ada hal. Untuk mengisi masa kosong dari berdiam diri, kami berbual. Entah macam mana, dia tanya aku
'Macam mana kak Shida boleh kawan dengan dia? Maksud saya, tak rasa pelik ke sebab beza umur walaupun setahun tapi masih boleh berkawan rapat macam tak ada jurang umur?'

*senyum kosong

"Dia banyak sangat sabar dengan kak Shida. Kerenah kak Shida dia layankan, bebal kak Shida dia surutkan, kemahuan kak Shida dia turutkan. Sebab tuh kak Shida boleh sabar dengan setiap kerenah dia. "

'Eh? Dia pun cakap benda yang sama jugak bila saya tanya dia.'
"Apa yang dia cakap?"
'Dia cakap dia pun boleh sabar dengan kak Shida sebab kak Shida banyak sabar dengan dia.'

*senyum sesorang lagi.

The key to a successful friendship is to BE PATIENT. 
Bear in mind that how we are not perfect, so is our friends. 
Tolerate to them as they will tolerate to you. 
When having a problem, be open. Talk and discuss about that problem. Find the solution together.
Don't just keep it to yourself. Nothing going to be happen. Nothing is going to be solved if you keep quiet.

If they are truly your friend, they will understand.
And if they don't, you might as well find another friend, haha.

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